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And the Winner Is: Creig Kinnunen! Congratulations Creig for being our newest name that spoon winner and for the first person to win a 2nd time. Creig submitted the name: Pier Pressure. I will be reaching out to Creig to get him his prize.

As always there were a ton of great suggestions. I wish I could have picked more. Thank you all and stay tuned. I am sure there will be more to come.

Tight Lines!

PS: Pier Pressure is available for purchase now at:

#sweetwaternewproductalert #swtnewspoons
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And the Winner Is: Creig Kinnunen!  Congratulations Creig for being our newest name that spoon winner and for the first person to win a 2nd time.  Creig submitted the name:  Pier Pressure.   I will be reaching out to Creig to get him his prize.  

As always there were a ton of great suggestions.   I wish I could have picked more.  Thank you all and stay tuned.  I am sure there will be more to come.  

Tight Lines!

PS:  Pier Pressure is available for purchase now at:

#sweetwaternewproductalert #swtnewspoonsImage attachment

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Why not add a new Sweet Water Trolling distressed cap to your collection? They are super comfortable and only $20 plus shipping.

#sweetwaternewproductalert #swtnewapparel
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Why not add a new Sweet Water Trolling distressed cap to your collection?  They are super comfortable and only $20 plus shipping.  

#sweetwaternewproductalert #swtnewapparel
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