I started using the s-clip dipsy diver rig on all my dipsy rods in 2020 and found I really like the setup. The ability to just unhook and remove the dipsy diver from your line similar to how you do with a planer board simplifies life considerably.
In addition, you can quickly and easily switch out different sized dipsy’s. Also one of the biggest pluses is it simplifies storing your rod when your not fishing. In-line dipsy’s can be such a pain to stow at the end of a trip.
One important detail, you should always put the loop on the braid side of the line. There is a lot of tension on at the point where the dipsy connects to your line and mono or flouro are just not as forgiving when it comes to getting a dispy to release or a hit from a big fish. Especially if you are using magnum divers. Also, just like your leaders, check regularly for fraying in the loop. If you see fraying it is time cut that part out and re-tie just to be safe.
There are many advantages in running the s-clip dispy setup:
- setting your rig out is basically as simple as setting a downrigger line.
- when landing fish, all you have to do is unclip your dispy just like a planer board and land your fish like any other. No hand lining. No dealing with long awkward leaders.
- You can also run as long a leader as you want all the time. Typically I run a 25-50′ leader beyond the loop knot.
- You can also quickly switch out different sized dipsy’s as you transition from shallow to deep water if you want.
- Last and biggest for me is it significantly simplifies storing your gear at the end of the day. No playing funny games to wrap your leader and dipsy on your rod, no having to dis-assemble your rigging. Just unclip your dispy reel your line in and secure it to your rod and your done.
The S-Clip setup is simple. It only requires knowing two types of knots, the double uni knot and the dropper loop knot and an S-Biner clip of course.

In 2022 I switched over to wire divers and had to come up with a way to modify the S-Clip setup for wire divers. My solution was to add a length of 60 lb braid between the wire and my mono leader in which to tie my dropper loop knot. I like 6 to 8 foot of braid so that if something does happen to the loop knot I have plenty of length to cut the loop knot out and retie everything with out having to mess with the connection between the wire line and the braid.
With this wire diver setup you will need to know how to tie an Albright knot, a double uni knot and the dropper loop knot. All are useful and relatively simple knots to learn:

- Use a double uni knot to tie braid and mono/flouro together: Video on how to tie a double uni knot
- Use an Albright knot to tie braid to wire: Video on how to tie an Albright knot
- Use the dropper loop knot to tie loop in braid: Video on how to tie a dropper loop knot
- Where to find S-Biner Clips: Link to S-Biner Clips
- Where to find Dreamweaver 124 MM Deeper Divers; Link to Dreamweaver 124 MM Deeper Divers
- One thing I changed in 2022 with my wire diver setup is to switch from Flouro to Mono. Since you can’t really use a snubber with the S-Clip setup, you want to have as much stretch as you can get in your leader. Mono does that better than Flouro.
- Thanks to Jim Konopinski for this tidbit: If you’re really concerned about fraying of the loop knot, cut off a bit of the Dacron sheathing from lead core line and thread it through your line before you tie your loop knot. The Dacron sheathing will provide extra protection for your braid.
- In order to do this you may need a sewing needle to get the braid through the Dacron sheath.